Special Flowers

Was playing around with some old photos through Instagram recently that I wanted to share here. You can see my Instagram profile here.


These flowers were a surprise gift from my fiancé back in March this year.


He ordered them through Interflora and had them delivered to my workplace.


I never get deliveries at work, so was a bit confused when the receptionist called up to say I had a delivery.


It was a great surprise to find that he had sent me a huge bouquet of flowers.


Due to the long distance nature of our relationship, we only normally send each other gifts for birthdays and at Christmas because postage costs so much.


The colours were beautiful shades of pink, and there were a good selection of different types of flowers. He knows exactly what kinds of colours I like the most lol.


I didn’t use Instagram back then, but I thought about these flowers recently and figured the pictures I had took could look even better if I played around with them in Instagram.